Line commands
Shows the current PST (Miko) time.
Shows the discord/twitter announcements.
Shows info about the history of holding.
You can start a yes/no vote by sending !lineVote [Yes or no question].
!lineVote Is the schedule scuffed?
!lineVote Is the schedule scuffed?
You can ask a yes/no question from the line by sending !lineOracle [Yes or no question?].
!lineOracle Will stream starts on time today?
!lineOracle Will stream starts on time today?
You can execute order 69 (timeout your self for 69 seconds) by sending this command.
You can start a trivia game by sending !lineTrivia [GameType] where [GameType] can be normie, easy, speedrun, medium, hard, nightmare, insane. The normie mode has real world trivia questions, the others Miko related questions with the specified difficulty level. You can omit the [GameType] parameter, in this case an easy trivia will be started.
!lineTrivia normie
!lineTrivia hard
!lineTrivia normie
!lineTrivia hard
You can start a "snake" game by sending this command. You have to send all the emotes in one messages starting with the last emote sent by lineTrivia.
You can start a blackjack game by sending !line21 [PointsToBet] where [PointsToBet] is the amount you want bet on the game. You have to have the coins amount to play with this mode. If you omit the parameter you can still play and win a small amount of coins.
Same as !line21 but the game is played automatically.
You can join a weekly lottery by sending this command. A user can only join once a week and it cost 1000 coins.
You can show a leader board by sending !lineBoard [BoardName] where [BoardName] is the name of the score board.
!lineBoard lineSnake
!lineBoard lineSnake
You can get your or others score(amount of coins) by sending !lineScore [BoardName] [@UserName] where [BoardName] is the name of the score board and [@UserName] is the name(you can omit the @) of the user to check. If you omit the [BoardName] parameter lineTrivia will show the total score. If you omit the [@UserName] parameter lineTrivia will show your score.
!lineScore lineSnake
!lineScore total CodeMiko
!lineScore lineSnake
!lineScore total CodeMiko
You can gift coins to other users by sending !lineGift [amount] [@UserName] where [amount] is the amount of coins to transfer and [@UserName] is the name(you can omit the @) of the user to send the coins to.
!lineGift 100 CodeMiko
!lineGift 100 CodeMiko
Same as !lineGift but intended to use for giving a loan to a user.
Shows the current line stock price.
You can buy useless line items by sending !lineShop [item] [amount] where [item] is the name or the number of the item you want to buy. You can omit the amount parameter if you only want to buy 1 item. If you omit all the parameters lineTrivia will send the list of the items that you can buy.
!lineShop ☕
!lineShop lineStock 100
!lineShop 2
!lineShop ☕
!lineShop lineStock 100
!lineShop 2
You can check your inventory(items you have) by sending this command.
You can use the line items by sending !lineUse [itemName] where [itemName] is the name of the item. This command is also used to sell line stock at the current price, in this case you can specify the amount by sending !lineUse lineStock [amount].
!lineUse ☕
!lineUse lineStock 100
!lineUse ☕
!lineUse lineStock 100
You can get a weather forecast by sending !lineWeather [location] where [location] is the name of the city or town to get the forecast for. To get a 7 day forecast send !lineWeather forecast [location]. If you want to save your location you can send !lineWeather save [location] or !lineWeather privatesave [location].
!lineWeather London
!lineWeather forecast London
!lineWeather save London
!lineWeather London
!lineWeather forecast London
!lineWeather save London